Our friendship began due to a mutual love of make-up and unfortunate tendencies of running late.
We were strangers in a sea of high school students, hurriedly getting ready in the rushed minutes before the bell rang, finishing our makeup and fluffing our hair at opposite ends of the bathroom counter. Every morning. Without fail.
Kirsten, true to her bubbly, warm-hearted nature, decided that since we were meeting every day anyways, we should just become friends.
And so we did. And have been.
Over the years, we've shared great talks about God, cute boys and where the rest of our lives would take us.
Fast forward to college, where Kirsten found herself a cute boy. who loved God. and asked her to share the rest of her life with his. {enter Dave} They recently celebrated their 5 year wedding anniversary are expecting their FIRST BABY this August!
These two have hearts of gold and it brings me so much joy to see them so happy together. Dave is truly a perfect match for the beautiful girl who befriended me all those years ago. Hilarious, kind-hearted and clearly knows how to rock a tie. What's not to love? :)
Ohh you guys... I had a fanTASTIC time with you. Thanks for the laughs, great ideas for shots and even better ideas on locations (especially the ahh, Dairy Queen location after the shoot. BIG fan of that ;) I loved every minute with you and can't wait for your beautiful baby boy to arrive! Much love to you three :)

I think someone got a little jealous of all the baby bump shots.. :)

Dave suggested a "Superman shot" because they're having a boy. And he's going to be tough, naturally. LOVED it :)
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